11am Traditional Worship – Aug. 20, 2023

Prelude   Welcome & Announcements  Call to Worship L: What joy we feel when we are called together to celebrate God’s love. P: God’s love flows through our lives! L: This is what it means to be the body of Christ! P: This is what it means to be faithful witnesses to God. L: Let us … [Read more…]

11am Traditional Worship – Aug. 13, 2023

Prelude   Welcome & Announcements  Call to Worship L:  With all our heart, we take refuge in God most high, who created all things, the source of all goodness.P:  With all our heart, we take refuge in Christ, the redeemer from sin, who restores our true nature, the perfect and mysterious Word. ALL:  With all our heart, … [Read more…]

9am “Come As You Are Worship” – Aug. 13, 2023

Prelude Welcome, Announcements, and Opening Prayer Singing Praises – “Come, Now is the Time to Worship” & “Eye of the Storm” Jesus Welcomed the Children Moment Scripture Reading – Matthew 14:22-33 (NRSV) Message – “Thrown into the Deep End” – Rev. L. Bryan McClain Singing Praises – “All the People Said Amen” Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer Singing … [Read more…]