9am Contemporary Worship, 3-24-24 PALM SUNDAY

Welcome / Announcements  Opening Prayer         Singing Praises – Lifesong & Jesus is the Way Jesus Welcomed the Children Moment Scripture Reading – Matthew 21:1-11 (NRSV)       Message–Giving Up (Part 5) – Popularity Singing Praises – King of Kings A Time of Prayer        Singing Praises with Offering–The Lord’s Prayer    Benediction

11am Traditional Worship, 3-17-24

Prelude Welcome & Announcements Call to Worship Leader:   Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings. Cong:    Ascribe to the Lord, glory and strength Leader:  Ascribe to the Lord, the glory of God’s name. Cong:   Worship the Lord in holy array. Leader: The voice of the Lord is upon the water. Cong: The … [Read more…]

9am Contemporary Worship, 3-17-24

Welcome / Announcements  Opening Prayer         Singing Praises – Open the Eyes of My Heart and Amazing Grace Children’s Moment Scripture Readings – Jeremiah 31:31-34 (NRSV) and John 12:20-33 (NRSV)      Message–Written on Our Hearts, Rev. L. Bryan McClain          Singing Praises – Bow the Knee A Time of Prayer        Singing … [Read more…]