9am “Come as You Are” Worship, Aug. 6, 2023

Prelude Welcome, Announcements, and Opening Prayer Singing Praises – “Shine, Jesus, Shine” & “You Are My All In All” Scripture Reading – Matthew 13:44-46 (NRSV) Message – “Finding Treasure” (Tell Me the Stories of Jesus, Part 6) – Rev. Jason Elmore Communion Singing Praises – “Sing Wherever I Go” Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer Singing Praises with Offering – … [Read more…]

11am Traditional Worship – July 30, 2023

Prelude Welcome Announcements  Call to Worship L: As a father receives a returning wayward son, P: so God welcomes us, and lets the past be the past. L: Therefore let us praise God in thanksgiving that we are received. P: Let us receive and welcome and rejoice over one another in the name of Jesus … [Read more…]