11am Traditional Worship, 9-15-24

Welcome & Announcements Call to Worship – Leader:  Seek the Lord while God is to be found! People:  Call upon God while God is near!  Repent of unrighteous ways. Leader:  It is never too late to turn to God! Get rid of evil thoughts. Let us turn to God, that God may have mercy on … [Read more…]

9am “Come as You Are” Worship, 9-15-24

Welcome / Announcements  Opening Prayer         Singing Praises – Sing Wherever I Go & Here I Am to Worship Jesus Welcomed the Children Moment Scripture Reading – James 3:1-12 NRSV      Message – Words Matter – Rev. L. Bryan McClain Singing Praises –Amazing Grace        Singing Praises with Offering–The Lord’s Prayer Benediction

11am Traditional Worship, 9-8-24

Welcome & Announcements Call to Worship – Leader:  Come to Christ, that living stone, rejected by the world, but in God’s sight chosen and precious. People:  We have responded to Christ’s call, and seek to be built into a spiritual house, a living reminder of God’s presence on earth. Leader:  Once we were no people, … [Read more…]