11am Traditional Worship, 7-14-24

Welcome & Announcements  

Call to Worship –

Leader: The goodness of God has called us here!

People:  We are recipients of God’s gracious love.

Leader:  Though we have not always done what is right in God’s sight;

People:  God is merciful and forgiving.

Leader:  Open your hearts and spirits to the refreshing love of God.

ALL:  Help us, O Lord, to live joyfully and peacefully in your sight. AMEN.

Opening Prayer (Unison) – Lord of Hope and Peace, we have come this day asking for your mercy.  Grant us your pardon.  We have come this day seeking peace in our lives; grant us peace.  Teach us how to be compassionate disciples for you.  Help us to slow down so that we can receive your healing word of love.  Remind us that we stand in need of forgiveness, and then having received such love, we are to love and serve others.  Teach us to pray for courage and strength; teach us how to be good disciples for you.  In Christ’s Name, we offer this prayer.  AMEN.

Affirmation of Faith #885 UMH – A Modern Affirmation

Gloria Patri #70 UMH

Hymn #362 UMH – Nothing but the Blood

Children’s Message

First Scripture Reading – Psalm 24 NRSV

Hymn #121 UMH – There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy

Second Scripture Reading – Matthew 25:1-13 NRSV

Message – Let’s Play Ball (Part 2) – “Preparation” – Rev. Jason Elmore

Offertory / Doxology UMH #95 

Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

Hymn #61 UMH – Come, Thou Almighty King



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