11am Traditional Worship, 6-16-24


Welcome & Announcements  

Call to Worship –

Leader: We believe God will save us in times of trouble.
People: We believe. Help our unbelief.

Leader: We know that God has saved us in the past, tending and helping us along the way.
People: We know what God has done for us. Help us when we forget.

Leader: We call on God’s power when we feel powerless to respond, believing and knowing that God will save.
People: We believe and we know that God will answer when we call.

Leader: God, open our hearts today to encounter your love that acts with us and through us to bring flourishing to all of your creation.

People: We come today to enter the dance of the Trinity, who is all-powerful to save. Amen.

Opening Prayer (Unison) –

Affirmation of Faith #880 Apostle’s Creed

Gloria Patri #70 UMH

Hymn #545 UMH – The Church’s One Foundation

Children’s Message

First Scripture Reading – Psalm 20 NRSV

Special Music, Chancel Choir – God Leads Us Along

Second Scripture Reading – John 4:21-26 NRSV

Message – The Gift of Fire (Part 5): The Spirit of Worship – Rev. Jason Elmore

Offertory / Doxology UMH #95 

Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

Hymn #98 UMH – To God Be the Glory

