11am Traditional Worship, 2-11-24


Welcome & Announcements             

Call to Worship—Jesus, Name Above All Names FWS #2071 X2

Opening Prayer (Unison)—Come, my Light and illumine my darkness.  Come my Life and revive me from death.  Come my Physician and heal my wounds.  Come, Flame of divine love and burn up the thorns of my sins, kindling my heart with the flame of thy love.  Come my King, sit upon the throne of my heart and reign there, for you alone are my King and my Lord. Amen.

Prayer of Confession—Almighty God, we confess that we are often swept up in a tide of our generation.  We have failed in our calling to be your holy people, a people set apart for your divine purpose.  We live more in apathy than in passion born of hope. We are moved more by selfish ambition than true justice.  We dream more of privilege and benefits than service and sacrifice.  We try to speak in your name without relinquishing our glories, without nourishing our souls, without relying wholly on your grace.  Help us to make room in our hearts and lives for you.  Forgive us, revive us and reshape us in your image, the image we see in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Affirmation of Faith—UMH #885 (A Modern Affirmation)

Hymn UMH #203—Hail to the Lord’s Anointed

Children’s Message

1st Scripture Reading—2 Kings 2:1-12 (NRSV)

Special Music—Chancel Choir—Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

2nd Scripture Reading—Mark 9: 2-9 (NRSV) 

Message—Staying the Course—Rev. Bryan McClain

Offertory / Doxology UMH #95 

Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

Hymn FWS #2173—Shine, Jesus, Shine

